Sixty North Gold Mining Intersects East Limb of the Rich Gold-Bearing A-Zone

26 August 2024

On August 26, Sixty North Gold Mining Ltd. reported it had intersected the East Limb of the A-Zone, exposing a 1.0 m wide quartz vein and silicified zone containing visible gold with associated pyrite > sphalerite = galena. Galena is typically associated with higher-grade gold values in the quartz veins. The vein was encountered in the 970 Crosscut East (970 XCE) 50 m from the Main Ramp, 42 m east of the West Limb of the A-Zone at elevation 212 AMSL. This is 8 m below the East Stope where 2,085 tonnes grading 25.57 gpt was mined and 16 m below the West Stope where an estimated 12,500 tonnes were mined at a reconciled grade of 30.7 gpt gold (NI 43-101 Technical Report, Webb, 2023). The 970 XCE intersected the East Limb 10 m north of DDH 89-14 25.37 gpt gold / 1.7 m, 18 m north of DDH 89-23 23.86 gpt gold / 1.2 m, and 9 m below DDH 89-7 45.95 gpt gold / 3.1 m. The first batch of samples submitted July 24 have been received, logged, prepared and are undergoing fire assay fusion. They will be analyzed and reported in the first week of September. The second set of samples are currently being collected and will be submitted before the end of the month with results anticipated in the first week of October.

Dr. Dave Webb, Ph.D., P.Eng., P.Geol., President & CEO, Director stated “We are pleased to have reached and exposed the two areas on the A-Zone we had targeted, and to have discovered a new gold-bearing quartz vein in the Main Ramp now referred to as the DD-Zone. The geological model we developed has been supported from this work. There are an estimated 2,800 tonnes of the East Limb vein, 5,500 tonnes of West Limb vein, and 18,000 tonnes of DD Zone vein above the 970 XCE. All Zones are open to depth and along strike. The successful completion of this next phase will see the company commence the acquisition and installation of the permitted 100 tpd mill and relevant infrastructure to restart processing on site. Assays from an independent certified laboratory will be reported as they are received and confirmed.”