Dunnedin provides update, reports new pipe targets to be drilled at Kahuna

24 August 2017

Dunnedin Ventures Inc. today provided an update on diamond exploration and permitting progress. The company has focused on a priority region of high quality diamond indicator minerals correlated to a number of geophysical targets consistent with kimberlite pipes.  Three of these targets have been 'boxed' by till sampling and are drill-ready, as DIM concentrations have been found down-ice from the targets, but not up-ice with respect to glacial transport.  Elsewhere on the project, field crews have also identified a pipe or 'dyke-blow' target along strike of a proven diamond-bearing kimberlite dyke.  Drilling of these targets is planned for winter 2017-2018. Dunnedin further reports that all required land use, water use and access permits have now been received from local, territorial and federal governments to allow a winter drill program.  The company is sufficiently funded to execute the planned drilling.