Baffinland and QIA approve 2017 IIBA Work Plan for Mary River Mine

18 May 2017

Arctic Bay, Nunavut, May 15, 2017 – Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation and the Qikiqtani Inuit Association have approved the first comprehensive annual work plan for the Mary River Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement (IIBA) at a Joint IIBA Executive Committee meeting in Arctic Bay.
The overall objective of the 2017 IIBA Work Plan is to increase Inuit employment and training.
Key activities included in the 2017 IIBA Work Plan:

  • Completion of an Inuit Human Resource Strategy,
  • Completion of an Inuit Procurement and Contracting Strategy,
  • Approval of a Minimum Inuit Employment Plan,
  • Approval of an Employment and Training Plan,
  • Development and completion of Workplace Conditions Surveys.
Baffinland and QIA representatives have pledged more resources, new strategies, and increased collaboration towards the implementation of the IIBA. This includes the re-instatement of the Work Readiness program for Inuit considering a job at Baffinland, the development of an apprenticeship program for Inuit interested in a job in mining, increased Baffinland presence within the North Baffin communities, and more collaboration with outside resources, such as the Government of Nunavut and Arctic College.